PROT3CT Filter Cartridge

Reduce levels of heavy metals in your water and protect yourself against dangerous microorganisms with the PROT3CT Filter Cartridge. This powerful ceramic replacement filter uses activated carbon and silver ions to improve water quality and taste.

Additional Product Information

The PROT3CT Filter Cartridge used in the Nazava Water Filter is a powerful and practical solution for all your clean water needs. This ceramic filter utilizes activated carbon and silver ions to eliminate bacteria, viruses, protozoa, as well as reduce the concentration of heavy metals such as iron. Enjoy clean, safe, and great tasting water for years.

Why Choose the PROT3CT Filter?

Easy Maintenance
With the PROT3CT Filter, maintenance is a breeze—when the flow rate slows, simply scrub it with a sponge or brush under running water. Its simple installation and removal in the Nazava countertop system makes cleaning and upkeep easy, while also preventing any potential cross-contamination in the process.

Long-Lasting Protection
The durable design ensures a long-lasting filter that can provide safe water for a family for up to 7,000 liters before needing replacement. Replacing the PROT3CT Filter Cartridge is a sustainable and cost-efficient alternative to repurchasing an entire filter systems when it degrades over time. You can use one replacement PROT3CT Filter Cartridge for up to 5 years and continue to use your Nazava Water Filter countertop system with each new cartridge!

Adaptable Design
Even if you don’t use a Nazava Water Filter at home, you can use the PROT3CT Filter Cartridge to make sure your water is safe. Pair it with existing filter systems from British Berkefeld, ProOne, Water Filter, and more.

How to Use:
1. When indicator light appears, take out old PROT3CT Filter Cartridge and fit new one into water filtration system
2. Use immediately and enjoy safe, great-tasting water!